Over the years some members have made a bequest in their Will in favour of the Alliance.
We are very grateful to them and their financial assistance has been and continues to be of practical assistance to us in the task of promoting French culture on the Gold Coast, teaching the French language and in being a focal point for the French community.
If you are inclined to consider making a bequest a suggested form of wording to be included in your Will or Codicil is as follows:


I LEAVE to Alliance Francaise Gold Coast Inc. ABN 70 295  170 814 the sum of 

$………………./ or percentage / the whole of the residue of my estate (complete as appropriate).




  • In 2013 some friends and I were planning a trip to France, so at the beginning of that year, I decided to start learning the language. The reason was not only to communicate but also, to keep my brain active,

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