Course Fees
Adult Group Course per term: $365.00 - 10 weeks/ 2 hours per week.
Does paying once only appeal to you? We are offering a discounted price for a year's lessons,
40 weeks (80 hours tuition) for $1 240 and save $250
That's $310 per term and it includes the $30 Membership fee.
This is non-refundable, except in exceptional circumstances.
Please note that course fees do not include textbooks required.
Textbooks can be purchased at the Alliance when you come for your 1st lesson
Textbooks cover several course levels.
• Bonjour et Bienvenue - Méthode + cd $45
• Edito A1- Méthode de français with APP $55 - E-Book $60
• Edito A1- Cahier activités with APP $35 - E-Book $40
• Edito A2- Méthode de français $55
• Edito A2- Cahier activités $35
• Edito B1 + CD mp3 +DVD - Méthode de français $60
• Edito B1 + CD mp3 - Cahier activités $30
• Vite et Bien A1/A2 + CD audio $75
• Vite et Bien B1 + CD audio $75
• Communication progressive en dialogues A2/B1 - $80
• Communication progressive en dialogues B2/C1 - $80
Private Classes & Tuition Fees
Adults and children from 12 years old/year 7:
- 1 hour: $72
- 5 hours: $330
- 10 hours: $660
Children 5 to 11 years old:
- 45 mins x 10 lessons: $520
- 45 mins x 5 lessons: $260
- 45 mins x 1 lesson: $55
Students specify the number of hours they wish to commit to and pay for, and there are 6 months from the date of purchase to use the class credit.
Does paying once only appeal to you? We are offering a discounted price for a year's lessons, 40 weeks (80 hours tuition) for $1 240.
That's $310 per term and it includes the $30 Membership fee. This is non-refundable, except in exceptional circumstances.
Payment types accepted:
Credit Card, Direct Credit or Cash:
- Via EFTPOS facility at the office
- Credit Card via our Online Secure Payment Page (powered by Paypal).
- Direct Credit - payments accepted up to 3 working days before the start of each term.
- Cash is possible only during class times at the Alliance Française Gold Coast's premises in Bundall.
Account details for Direct Credits:
Account Name: Alliance Française Gold Coast Incorporated
Financial Institution: Westpac Banking Corporation
BSB: 034-216
Account Number: 27-8162
Reference: Student's Full Name i.e. Claude Moreau
Please email a copy of your remittance to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Refund policy
Any student who has paid for a course and withdraws at least 5 days before the start of the course is entitled to a full refund. No transfer or refund will be given should a student not be able to attend every class or leave before the end of the term.
Please note that course fees are only valid within 6 months of the date of payment.
Read our Terms & Conditions.